At my graduate program’s Advent Day of Reflection yesterday, the reflection leader called for all of us gathered to think about how we can declutter poor habits, unreasonable expectations we may hold in our lives, or any of the noise that clouds our minds and takes away from our time spent with Jesus. She used the image of a tea cup — that if a tea cup is filled to the brim, we must pour out some tea in order to make room for Jesus.
I was very stuck on the tea imagery because if you know me, you know that I love my tea. Irish black tea, specifically, with room in the cup for some milk and a half spoonful of sugar. That is my ideal cup of tea. However, there are some mornings where I am running behind, my mind is a mess, my milk may be expired, and I just cannot create the perfect cup of tea. So I brew my Irish black tea, fill it to the brim with no room for milk, and add some sugar to it. At least sugar doesn’t make the cup of tea overflow, it just dissolves into what is already there. The taste may not be my preferred cup of tea, but the sweetness added to the black tea is just right and still comforting for the busy day ahead.
Some of us may be students preparing for final exams. Some may be overwhelmed by the noise and tension of our mental health, communities, country, or world. Some of us may have jobs that are requiring a lot out of us. Some may be thinking about what to get family and friends for Christmas. Some may be overwhelmed with the ugly sweater or Christmas parties that seem to be happening all in the same weekend. Our tea cups are filled to the brim with requirements, expectations, and a lot of noise. Quite honestly, we may not have the time, resources, or ability to even think about decluttering these things or pour out the tea of responsibilities to make the ideal room for Jesus this Advent season. We may just have to add Jesus to our cup and let his sweetness dissolve into all that fills it to the brim.
Most often during Advent we hear the call as Christians to stay awake — to wait and be ready for the coming of the Lord. We may be physically awake, sometimes into the late night or early morning hours due to studies, work, or fellowship and fun. But are we spiritually awake during the near overflow of all of these tasks and events? Are we adding the sweetness of a prayer break to our late night and early morning studying sessions or long work days? Are we adding the sweetness of patience during this Advent season to a relationship or experience that is piping hot and not pleasant? Are we adding the sweetness of silence amidst the noise, even if just for a small moment each day?
We are called to, while literally awake, become spiritually awake during Advent — to add the sweetness of Jesus to all that fills our cup this season. And someday soon, after all the waiting, perhaps on Christmas Day, we will be able to experience our preferred cup of tea again. A cup that not only just has room for a spoonful of sugar, but enough room to fill it with milk. Enough mental energy and physical time to sit even longer with Jesus, to make him even more comfortable in our inn, and to welcome his light and warmth into the world through our lives. We will receive that cup, when it finally comes into our world again at the end of this Advent season, and we will be filled to the brim with even more profound peace, joy, warmth, and light.
Happy Advent to all, know that I am praying for you during this season.
