Welcome, Beloved.
Instagram: @beloved.revealed
Hey there, friends, family, any stranger who just so happens to come across my page. (ALL ARE WELCOME HERE)!!
Just the same old me, Katy, taking over more of your Internet pages. You may have seen mine and my friends' faces all over your Facebook feeds or possibly on Instagram when I log on a little too often to upload stories of my friends, my alma mater (Go Belles), Jesus-related things, or pictures of me sipping on a Blue Moon (if you follow me, you know). You could have watched me dabble with Twitter & YouTube for a bit, and I honestly hope you haven’t watched me dip my toes into Tik Tok (thanks, quarantine).
One day during my shower, mid shampoo, I was thinking...since I’ve been on pretty much every social media platform already, why not put myself and my sarcasm out there more than I already have by starting a...blog. Then I finished showering and went on with my day...or months...three months to be exact.
No, but really, all jokes and self-roasts aside. Welcome to my blog: BeLoved Revealed. I am so very excited that you and I are here, even if it did take three months to reach this destination.
My regularly programmed Katy posts, stories, and videos are fun and will certainly still appear on your devices (sorry not sorry), but sometimes I feel as if my personal account cannot handle ALL of Katy's brain juice. The amount of notes in my iPhone and pages in my journal that fill up each week is ASTRONOMICAL. Lyrics, prayers, poems, questions, random words, sad thoughts, happy realizations, lists, and so on. Sometimes amidst all of my jumbled thoughts and words, I find content that I think others would actually want to read, reflect on, pray about, cry over, laugh about, or even talk with me about. I often whip up some things in my mind or experience something in this crazy thing called LIFE that I feel pulled to reveal to you.
So here we have it, a platform where me, my thoughts, and my experiences can openly & honestly be revealed to you.
This is a “life” blog. I guess in a way it will be a lifestyle blog, but not the type of lifestyle blog where one posts up their diet/fitness plan & chats about the latest purchase from Target or TJMaxx (although I am a big fan).
This is a life blog where I talk about all things LIFE .. enlightening encounters with strangers, fruitful conversations with friends, that one thought that trickled into my daydreaming mind that I desperately needed to share, the spark of joy or sadness that inched it's way into my heart while listening to a song and led to an in-depth conversation with my journal.
This is a living blog...featuring the things that make up my simple, yet beautifully intricate life. A life that I was gifted, of course. And thoughts that I was gifted too because ya know, I credit all of my creativity and writings to the works of the Holy Spirit anyways. Yes, the Holy Spirit. Spoiler: This is most definitely going to be a faith, life blog that stems from my Catholic faith and lifestyle. But if you know me, you probably are the least bit surprised by this news. ;-)
As much as I would ~love~ to be one, I am no expert theologian and I am still learning. I may not cite the Catechism of the Catholic Church or quote Scripture in every single one of my posts, but the way that I move through and experience this life of mine revolves around my Catholic faith and how I have claimed my identity as God’s Beloved daughter. (Are you starting to pick up what I’m putting down in the title of the blog?)
"What do you mean by “claiming your identity as God’s Beloved?”"
Oh hey, I’m glad you asked.
Some context: the amount of times “Beloved” is mentioned in the Bible or in faith-filled conversations is one thing, but the amount of times that it took for ME to be CONVINCED that I am actually GOD’S BELOVED is another.
I’m a self-conscious person, always have been and (probably) always will be. I need affirmed, reaffirmed, and then affirmed AGAIN in order to feel secure. In other words, I just really need everyone that I’m close with to tell me that they love me at least once a week...or once a day. (Any other Enneagram 2’s out there?).
Given this intense fear of being unloved, you can probably imagine what I am like when I mess up and need forgiveness. OR when I think that I am doing something wrong or living my life “incorrectly” in the eyes of others. THE ANXIETY, THE SHAME, THE TEARS, OH MY. I automatically develop this thought that I am UNWORTHY of love. From myself, others, and God. Obviously, this is not the healthiest mindset to be in.
After many years and buckets of tears over thinking that I was incapable of being loved because of all of my “flaws” and mistakes, I decided to do something about it. I stopped trying to hide my flaws, I started to open up to God & others about my struggles in raw, honest ways, and I started learning about God. Not about the “god” who I thought was only ever disappointed in me for who I am or things that I may or may not have done, but about our God who loves. God who IS love. And the God who sees me, flaws and all, and still calls me BELOVED. SO yeah, that’s pretty cool, life-giving, affirming and overall FREEING! It was and still IS a process, but it is certainly beautiful to focus less of my identity on the brokenness that I see in myself and place emphasis on my identity as BELOVED.
So there you have it, BeLoved Revealed is a “Catholic faith, life blog” where I highlight encounters, conversations, thoughts, images, sounds, and more in this life of Belovedness.
What is the purpose of BeLoved Revealed?
What am I trying to portray or accomplish with this platform?
Religious, spiritual, or neither at all: we all have something in common...we are living. We all have life. We experience all of the elements of life: brokenness, beauty, successes, struggles, love, nature. All of this is revealed to us in many different ways. This blog just so happens to highlight the ways in which these things are revealed to me (& hopefully will feature ways in which they are also revealed to you...more to come on that idea).
I also think that we have another thing in common: When my identity as "God’s Beloved" was revealed to me, I began to witness and acknowledge the Belovedness of each individual that I encountered. As a Christian, I believe that every human being is named and chosen by God as Beloved. Our role is to experience our Belovedness, and to unveil it to it's fullest capacity. Regardless of where you are in your journey, I witness and revere the beauty of your Belovedness.
This being said, the stories, songs, images, and any other posts on BeLoved Revealed hope to portray that no matter where you are in life, what you do or do not believe in, what brokenness you have or how put together you are...you are Beloved, you deserve to Be Loved, and you are encouraged to Be Loving to everyone that you encounter.
All in all, I hope that this blog can give you a sense of positivity, perseverance, prayer, reflection, or just laughter and amusement to get you through your weeks. Right now, I have almost TOO MANY ideas swarming in my mind for BeLoved Revealed. You and I are in this together to see how it all unfolds.
So, if you’ve made it this far...dannnng you rock (also give @beloved.revealed a follow on Instagram).
I’m excited to share the jumbled thoughts that are piled in my notebook and Notes App with you. They’re definitely ready to be revealed to you. (Okay, maybe after a few edits and spell checks).

thank you to my bestie, Samantha, for the logo. Follow @art_by_sam1 on insta to see her creations!