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The Mural That Moves Minds

BeLoved Revealers

"I will find a way through this I'm not alone I will hold on look after yourself" reads the words printed within the body of a person on a mural found on Montague Lane in Dublin, Ireland.

Each day, BeLoved Revealed's owner & content creator, Katy, passes this work of art on her walk to work. Her mind couldn't help but perceive these words and the image of this person in a different way each time she glanced at it.

"I will find a way through this" comforts her when homesickness and sadness dwells in her heart.

"I'm not alone" brings an even brighter smile to her face when she passes the mural in laughter-filled moments that are shared with her roommates who walk by her side each day.

Thoughts of "I wonder what the story behind this person is" or "I wonder why he's sitting like that" nudged her curious mind each time she sauntered by.

The 20 different encounters that she has had thus far with the mural have taught her that many meanings lay behind one singular work of art. The artist probably had their own story in mind when creating this image on the brick wall, but the human minds that pass it each day or witness it virtually uncover hundreds, if not thousands, more. That is the beauty of interpreting art.

After sharing this image with the the BeLoved Revealed Instagram community, additional thoughts about this mural were revealed.

"I feel like he is so desperately trying to communicate his feelings with others but can't, so the inside thoughts are him trying to keep himself sane."

"I'm intrigued that there's absolutely no punctuation at all in the's like he is breaking open his pain and everything he has been holding back is coming out in a flooding fashion."

From these direct messages sent to BeLoved Revealed on Instagram (@beloved.revealed) to paragraphs and stories sent via email (, the BeLoved Revealed community was able to uncover just a small glimpse into the hundreds, if not thousands, of interpretations that this mural creates.

So here's a deeper look into Our Revealers' minds when reflecting on this Dublin mural.

Perhaps we should self title this work of art, "The Mural that Moves Minds."

Perhaps today you can also allow it to move yours.

Mural on Montague Lane, Dublin, IRE

Artist Unknown

Love in Loneliness

Written By Our Revealer: Liz Palmer

Did the artist intentionally hide the world "alone?" Or was it a mere afterthought or adaption to the space?

Regardless of the intention or lack thereof, I am drawn to the hiddenness of that word [alone]. It invites me inward to examine myself. How often do I hide or fail to admit my fear of being alone? How often do I display a false sense of self or mask my feelings, thoughts, or desires to belong?

I am fearful that revealing my identity and truth would lead to loneliness. However, by not revealing my true self, I perpetuate those feelings of isolation. Just like the picture, an overwhelming sense of aloneness feels real, feels present, feels known even when I try to hide it.

As a person of faith, my daily prayer is for God to break through my loneliness. To break through the fear of letting people in. And for anyone else experiencing this, too, I pray that God reveals Godself in the hidden places of your soul. I pray that you (and I) can find God's love in the places you feel alone.

Palms Open

Written By Our Revealer: Margarita Hernandez

His posture immediately caught my eye.

His reverence.

His grace.

It reminded me of the beginning of a Catholic Mass when the priest says, “let us begin as we begin all things that are good… in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

During that moment of Mass my awkward left hand finds perfect fulfillment in becoming reverent, by placing my hand exactly as the man in the mural, while my right hand makes the sign of the cross. 

“I will find a way through this. I’m not alone. I will hold on. Look after yourself.”

I couldn’t resist googling the words in hopes that it might give me more context, and found multiple websites on grief. I was confused. The quote can clearly shed hope and consolation in grief. Yet, “I will hold on” did not initially seem fitting. Grief naturally requires us to let go of something or someone, not hold onto it.

Letting go of a situation or a person does not mean that you will be left empty with nothing to hold onto, quite the contrary, letting go enables us to be open to receive.

As Christians we are called to love radically.

To live in such a way that we are not holding onto or grasping anything.

Not holding onto the past, the future, or even the current moment.

Not clinging to our jobs or dream jobs.

Not tightly holding onto our best friends, significant others or family members.

But rather letting them FREELY be within our hearts and lives.

I question whether the man in the mural has his left palm open or closed in a fist.

Perhaps it is for the viewer to decide.

When one hand is placed over my interior and the other is closed in a fist, I am possessively holding onto everything that I have and am unable to receive more.

When one hand is placed over my interior and the other hand is open I still have all my possessions in the palm of my hand, but they are exposed.

It is my choice if I will keep my positions tightly held into a fist, or if I will open them and stretch them out to Christ.

Placing my hand over my interior demonstrates to God how beloved my possessions are to me, but keeping the other palm open expresses that I am open to whatever His will may be.

There will be moments in our lives when we realize we have held a situation or a person tightly in a fist for too long. Making the transition from a fist to opening our palm and stretching it out to Christ can feel like we are letting go and we begin to grieve the loss. However, by handing it over to Christ we are actually demonstrating an act of trust and making room for us to receive His peace.

Just because we freely hand something over to Christ does not mean we will be left with loss, in fact, we might be surprised by what we can gain.

Allow Yourself to Rest

Written By Our Revealer: Kayla Powers

This image reminds me to breathe, to rely on our inner strength that God has given us. That strength is found in Him. Allowing yourself to rest in God's presence and give it all over. You are justified in taking a break. You can disengage from everyone and everything, but God is still there...regardless of where you go, God will always be in your heart, at your deepest center. Taking care of you is also taking care of God. Now, allow yourself to rest in God.

Trust That You Will Hold On

Written By Our Revealer: Coletta Fanta

"I will find a way through this. I'm not alone. I will hold on. Look after yourself." 

What a beautiful mantra. Simple words of encouragement that speak to some of the deepest longings of my heart. I desire love. I long to be loved; to be held in love. I often find myself looking for a glimpse of hope. To be told it's going to be okay. To know I'm not alone. And I look, day after day. Somedays I find it - whether it be the way the sun shines through my window, the way the leaves fall, a loved one being there for me - and other times I don't. There are days where I look high and low and I still find myself longing. There are days when the loneliness is just a bit stronger and I can't seem to shake it. And on those kinds of days, I used to get scared. I was afraid this meant I was alone or that I wasn't going to be okay. I struggled to find love or hope from the outside world. I've felt so alone in this longing at times because I thought it meant that I was unloved. I felt so distant from God. I wondered where He was in all of this. I've learned, though, that it's through this longing that God is inviting me to a deep relationship with Him. Instead of searching outside of myself, I need to look within. I need to sit myself down, take a deep breath, and say, "I will find a way through this. I'm not alone. I will hold on. Look after yourself." I remind myself that I'm not alone. That in this brokenness, in this loneliness, in this suffering... God is with me, drawing Himself closer.

When your heart feels lonely, when you feel as though you can't hold on any longer, when you're longing for love, allow yourself to rest and be held in love. Tell yourself you've come this far already, and you will find a way through this.

Trust that you will hold on.

Even if you don't believe it quite yet... continue returning there. Bring yourself back to that place of love and hope. Trust that God is right there with you, holding you in love.

It looks as though the man is pointing to himself and saying, "Me? This is true even for me?" Often times I feel like the exception. Everyone is loved except for me. God loves everyone despite their brokenness except me. I can tell others they will be okay and to keep going, but I struggle to know it's true for me. If you are feeling this way if you are pointing to yourself right now thinking, "What? No way... not me!" I promise you it is true. I know it may not feel like it, but that doesn't make it less true. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise you will find a way through. Keep on holding on. Hold on to the love within you and trust that God is loving you in each and every moment. You are not alone.

You are unconditionally loved by a Father who delights in you. Allow yourself to rest in that truth. 

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